Puzzle Agent 3


I loved Puzzle agent 1 and 2 and I too would love to buy and play puzzle agent 3, and who knows, 4. (what about them having some lovely little sleuthing kids, telltale?). This series has such a great combination of wierdness, comedy and great puzzling.

System: PS3, PCDev: Telltale GamesPub: Telltale GamesRelease: June 30, 2011Players: 1Screen Resolution: 480p-1080pThe puzzle types are standard fare, too: What's the next number in this sequence? Can you get all the animals across the river without one eating the others? Can you assign people to hotel rooms without violating certain conditions (Jane can't have a room next to John, etc.)? Honestly, if this is all I get out of Puzzle Agent, and there are only about 35 puzzles total, I'd rather just go to a puzzle website for a few hours and skip the story.The controls are just point-and-click for the most part, and as long as they stick the basics, they work. However, some puzzles require you to click and drag items into place, and even this simple task is a bit too much.

Most of the items seem to 'stick' if you don't drag them just right.One element of Puzzle Agent 2 that actually deserves praise is the art style. The graphics were handled by the artist Graham Annable, who created a world that looks like it was drawn by crayon, with bleak colors to bring out the harsh Minnesota winter. While the writing and acting never make the characters come to life, each of them has a unique look.

It's too bad Annable couldn't have lent his talents to a more deserving project. Similarly, the music does a great job of bringing out a creepy vibe, only to be brought down by the game's weaker aspects.People who love puzzles want more Layton games. Those of us who get sick of Layton's light and often cheesy atmosphere wouldn't mind a clone that had a darker story. Unfortunately, Puzzle Agent 2 isn't the game we've been waiting for.

It's bad news that Telltale Games, a leader of the point-and-click genre, saw fit to publish it. If this is what made the cut, were all the other Layton ripoffs even worse? Is it so hard to design a decent variety of puzzles that only Hino can do it?

Nelson Tethers: Puzzle Agent
Developer(s)Telltale Games
Publisher(s)Telltale Games
Producer(s)Matt Hansen
Designer(s)Graham Annable
Mark Darin
Programmer(s)Robert Oates
Artist(s)Jonathan Sgro
Writer(s)Graham Annable
Mark Darin
Composer(s)Jared Emerson-Johnson
Rich Vreeland
Nick Mastroianni
EngineTelltale Tool
Platform(s)Windows, OS X, PlayStation Network, iOS
ReleaseJune 30, 2010

Nelson Tethers: Puzzle Agent (also known simply as Puzzle Agent) is an adventure/puzzle game by Telltale Games, in collaboration with Graham Annable. It is the first game to come out of Telltale's pilot project.[1] It was released on June 30, 2010. The game was influenced by the works of David Lynch, Stanley Kubrick and the Coen brothers (most notably Twin Peaks and Fargo). This is one of two games that have an original character, made by Telltale Games, the other being Telltale Texas Hold'em.A WiiWare release of the game was planned but eventually cancelled.[2]


The game structure resembles a linear adventure game - the player doesn't have an inventory, but can traverse into dialog trees with other characters. Some items or choices of dialog result in puzzles to be solved, although in some cases the puzzle has no consequence in the game's progress. The types of puzzles vary from jigsaw through mathematics to logic puzzles. Each of them has a basic short description about the objective of the puzzle, while some have a basic set of rules and conditions that help the player deduce the solution. The player can request three hints for each puzzle, and each hint costs the player a piece of chewing gum - gum is on shortage in the town, as the hotel clerk explains, but Nelson can collect pieces of used gum he finds at each location. The puzzles don't automatically approve the players solution, even if the player provides the correct answer - Nelson must send the answer back to HQ where it is either approved or rejected. If the solution is approved, the player is given a score depending on how many hints he used and how many failed attempts he had (the latter is represented in taxpayer dollars), and an optional further explanation is provided on how the puzzle can be solved.


The game begins as Agent Nelson Tethers, the sole member of the Puzzle Research Division of the FBI, is given his first field assignment. The factory that produces the erasers used by the White House has stopped production; any attempts to contact the factory are met with bizarre puzzles. Tethers must visit the factory in Scoggins, Minnesota and get it running again.

In Scoggins, Tethers is told that the factory was closed after an unidentified accident, and that the factory's foreman, Isaac Davner, hasn't been seen since. Further investigation is impossible because the factory is sealed by a complex lock requiring three keys.

Tethers' search for the keys and for additional clues to Isaac's whereabouts is hindered by mysterious gnome-like creatures called the Hidden People by the townspeople. The Hidden People seem to be supported by a local lodge called the Brotherhood of Scoggins. The lodge head, Bjorn, tells Tethers that the Hidden People have “chosen” Isaac, though he is unable to explain exactly what that means.

Finally, Tethers gains entry to the factory. Inside, he finds Isaac, driven mad by puzzles given to him by the Hidden People. Tethers tries to rescue Isaac, but the Hidden People drag Isaac off before he can be saved. The factory starts back up soon afterward. Back in Washington, Tethers is congratulated for his work, and is reminded that the disappearance of Isaac is a matter for local law enforcement.

Puzzle Agent 3

The story continues in the sequel, Puzzle Agent 2. Naruto uzumaki chronicles 2 ps2.

Here are some stats about your opinions.Thanks for Your Survey Feedback!The developers got your feedback and shared it with the players during the Guild Summit (discussion with players). Dungeon quest wiki.


  1. ^Telltale. 'Puzzle Agent 2'. telltale.com.
  2. ^'Nelson Tethers Puzzle Agent on Wii No More'. Cubed³. 2011-06-23. Retrieved 2011-08-15.

External links[edit]

  • Puzzle Agent at GameRankings
  • Puzzle Agent at Metacritic
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