Uncharted Fight For Fortune Trophy


Today, Uncharted: Fight For Fortune launched on the PlayStation Vita. Our review will be coming in the next few days, but in the meantime, why not check out the.

When it was originally discovered that a card game based on the exploits of Nathan Drake was being made, I don’t think anyone jumped for joy or even really cared. Uncharted? Card… battling? The truth is that descriptors like “swash-buckling”, “handsome”, and “action-packed” are entirely antithetical to anyone’s sane perception of a card game.

That remains true today as Uncharted: Fight for Fortune fights for space on your PlayStation Vita. If you’ve played a lot of card games, Fight for Fortune might feel like an odd cross between Magic the Gathering and other resource-based card-fighters. While many of you might be tempted by Nathan Drake’s handsome, chiseled mug, I’m here to reveal that the Uncharted brand and card-battling are two great tastes that should never have been tasted together.

Fight for Fortune gives two players a deck of cards to draw from, with each card categorized into one of three classes: hero, villain, or mercenary. To compliment these attacking and defending figures, players will also choose a treasure and action card in their turn. These three can work together or you can “cash-in” your fortune card to increase your bank of expendable gold.

As complicated as it sounds, you’ll get a hang of it after the third or fourth game. In fact, I recommend blazing through the tutorial as fast as possible and begin your fight against Doughnut Drake and Skinny Drake in earnest as you’ll learn faster by doing.

Your end goal is to reduce your opponent’s health to zero. This is accomplished by attacking, setting trap cards, and generally outwitting your opponent. This isn’t hard in earlier levels of the campaign, but the difficulty ramps up suitably as you continue on.

When you do reach that high-level play you’ll have to customize your deck to match your strategy. That means digging deeper into the menus and selecting cards, all of which puts the player through unbearable load times, to the point I decided to roll with what I had rather than deal with the headache any further.

With 18 single-player levels and one-on-one online play and nearly nothing else, don’t waltz into Fight for Fortune with an expectation of anything other than a whole lot of card-battling. Any unlocks or gameplay extensions revolve around beating the campaign again and again, something you won’t be motivated to do.

In fact, I actually felt encouraged to close Fight for Fortune and launch my newly downloaded PlayStation Plus copy of Uncharted: Golden Abyss on numerous occasions. Many cards in Fight for Fortune let you know that if you’ve collected the treasures in Golden Abyss that they’ll have increased power and abilities. This of course leads to imbalance in online play which halves the value of Fight for Fortune for any sane gamer who isn’t going to immediately go out of their way to get the platinum trophy for Golden Abyss.

Why would anyone go out of their way to measure up in a mediocre card game that provides none of the action and thrill of a “real” Uncharted title? If you say so Sony Bend, I don’t need to be convinced to stop playing Fight for Fortune.

In the end, I wish I could rate Uncharted: Fight for Fortune lower for it’s disingenuous use of the Uncharted brand. Why would Sony confuse it’s loyal fans with such an obtuse, niche genre title?

I won’t though. Fight for Fortune isn’t broken, despite the odd decision to let another game’s completion percentage determine your power. As a portable game, it lends itself well to the Vita’s on-and-off capability. Still, if you don’t like card-battling games, you won’t enjoy a second of this, because that’s all it is.

Keep that in the back of your mind and refrain from letting that handsome, exploring, half-tucked adventurer from seducing you into a game you won’t enjoy.

  • Card battling, online and off
  • Rewards for die hard Uncharted fans
  • Use of the Uncharted brand
  • Balancing issues for less-than die hard Uncharted fans
  • Card battling, online and off

So you’re probably wondering, how exactly does Fight For Fortune work? I’ll explain. The core gameplay in UNCHARTED: Fight for Fortune involves creating a team of Faction cards featuring heroes, villains, and mercenaries from the UNCHARTED universe, then using that team to defeat your opponent while defending yourself from their attacks.Each Faction card can be equipped with powerful Resource and valuable Fortune cards, which enhance their stats and give them special abilities. Once you’ve selected and equipped a card, it’s time to head into battle! During combat, attacks either reduce the health of opposing Faction cards or the health of your opponent.

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Defeating an opposing Faction card removes it from play, while reducing the health of your opponent to zero wins you the game.The rich lore that surrounds the UNCHARTED universe gave us the opportunity to create UNCHARTED: Golden Abyss, complete with lush, artifact-filled environments. With over 300 treasures to be found, we wanted to find a way to allow our fans to delve deeper into the artifact collections and mysteries of the UNCHARTED universe.Along with the release of UNCHARTED: Fight for Fortune, we will also release a new patch for UNCHARTED: Golden Abyss that will power up the artifacts that you’ve collected for immediate use within Fight for Fortune. Using the artifacts found within Golden Abyss, you can go to battle with other players as well as AI opponents. The game can also be played independently of Golden Abyss, so owning the PS Vita title is not required.Bend Studio Co-Director John Garvin and I have led the charge on UNCHARTED: Fight for Fortune since the launch of Golden Abyss to take the mobile UNCHARTED experience even further. In addition to our close collaboration with Naughty Dog, we are also pleased to introduce One Loop Games, a team of talented industry veterans who worked closely with us to chart new ground into the UNCHARTED universe.UNCHARTED: Fight For Fortune is launching December 4 for $4.99 on PS Vita. There will be much more to talk about as we quickly approach the launch date, including some great additional DLC on launch day, so keep your PS Vita handy and get ready to go fortune hunting!

Uncharted: Fight For Fortune encompasses the entire canon. One of the reasons we decided to design this game is that when we working on Uncharted: Golden Abyss, we realized how rich the Uncharted universe really is, with interesting characters, locations, actions, weapons and artifacts. The first release contains cards from Uncharted: Golden Abyss, Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune as well as Uncharted: The Eye of Indra.

Day one there are two expansion packs that have cards from Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, and Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception. SO FFF will cover the entire Uncharted universe. Yes, it connects to Uncharted: Golden Abyss in a very important way. By allowing you to power up certain cards. We had a LOT of collectibles in U:GA and we wanted to reward players — with more than just trophies — for going out and finding everything.Every Treasure and Mystery in U:GA has a card associated with it that ca.n be powered up. Every time you find a piece of Jade, for example (and there are something like 50 of them), you make your Jade Treasure card more valuable.For those of you more into combat than exploration, there are also cards associated with every weapon in U:GA, as well as cards for trophies like Steel Fist Expert.So yeah, a lot of cards can be powered up in U:GA. Not everyone likes these types of games, but a lot of people do.

We wanted to make a game that you could play, asynchronously, with your friends. More important, we wanted to make something true to the Uncharted universe so we have features like combos: For example, if you play the Eddy Raja card next to the Rika Raja card, both cards get Combo bonuses. So relationships are important in the game, just like they are in Uncharted. Play Drake, Sully and Elena next to each other and get a triple Combo!