Neverwinter Stronghold Guide


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Crafting & Strongholds section of the fleet (flipped for Imperial side) Look for a holographic NPC with a quest symbol: After you start the test, go to the stronghold section nearby and buy your first stronghold – Coruscant or Dromund Kaas are only 5,000 credits.

Hello adventurers!Today’s guide is going to be about Stronghold: construction of structures and our strategy do do it.First of all, if you don’t know that already, guid Stronghold is accesible from world map and can be found in the upper right corner.Why is Stronghold so important? Not only it looks cool and it is a place where only guild members can access, it also provides us with very nice bonuses once upgraded (like stats, exp bonus – these bonuses are permanent)Ok, sounds coolbut what can we do? To upgrade the Stonghold different types of items are needed. You can see what is needed under G / Stronghold. Current building is marked with a start.

Thats our target structure. These item are very different. Let’s make some categories:1.Building materials – those dudes are produced in special buildings in the stronghold. We currently have a lumberyard producing wood, and farm producing food is our next building.

Materials need to be collected from time to time, so if you’re in stronghold you can visit these building. Don’t worry, you can’t break anything.2.Campaig currencies. Extra stuff from doing campaigs. Don’t worry about it until you hit 70 or there’s a Neverwinter SIege event. Let the big boys worry about that.3.Resources from daily heroics and quests. Now that’s the fun part. In the stronghold there are open world events called HEROICS.

When you complete a heroic you get influence that can be donated here. What is more from stronghold quests you can get shards of power – very hard to farm currency. One of the quests is “complete 3 heroics”well, that’s just very convinient:D.

To put it simple, if you are able to do heroics – please do them. That’s really important for upgrades. I’ll try to organize heroics in the most evenings at 18 GMT (20 CEST) starting this Saturday.

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Neverwinter Stronghold Guide

Join me if you can.OkI’ve got the goodshow do I donate? In the stronghold there’s a mimic – a treasure chest with a nice smile. Just feed this buddy with whatever you’ve got.

He can be found near bank and post. Metro exodus for pc.