Into The Breach Nintendo Switch


Into the Breach has players fighting giant monsters with giant robots (which, as media has taught us, is the only way these kinds of conflicts can be won). Escape the game master carl and jam. The turn-based action takes place on small-scale, grid-based maps.

Into the Breach is a strategy game by Subset Games, released at the start of the year on PCs, and at summer's end on Nintendo Switch, where I.

The game’s mission-based design makes it an ideal fit for the Switch, which people can play on their TV or portably. With the Switch, you can tackle a mission or two of Into the Breach anywhere you want.Switch has been a happy home for indies, and Nintendo’s Nindies branding shows just how much the company is invested in giving these game the spotlight.

Titles like, and have become hits on Switch. Into the Breach could be another indie success for Nintendo’s newest system.