Black Hole Found


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These stellar black holes are different than so-called supermassive black holes, which are found at the center of galaxies and can be billions of. Supermassive black holes are thought to lurk in the hearts of most, if not all, large galaxies. The largest black holes found so far in the nearby universe have masses more than 10 billion times.

Astronomers have discovered the largest and most luminous black hole ever seen — an ancient monster with a mass about 12 billion times that of the sun — that dates back to when the universe was less than 1 billion years old.It remains a mystery how could have grown so huge in such a relatively brief time after the dawn of the universe, researchers say.Supermassive black holes are thought to lurk in the hearts of most, if not all, large galaxies. The largest black holes found so far in the nearby universe have masses more than 10 billion times that of the sun. In comparison, the black hole at the center of the Milky Way is thought to have a mass only 4 million to 5 million times that of the sun. Although not even light can escape the powerful gravitational pulls of black holes — hence, their name — black holes are often bright.

That's because they're surrounded by features known as accretion disks, which are made up of gas and dust that heat up and give off light as it swirl into the black holes. Astronomers suspect that, the brightest objects in the universe, contain supermassive black holes that release extraordinarily large amounts of light as they rip apart stars.So far, astronomers have discovered 40 quasars — each with a black hole about 1 billion times the mass of the sun — dating back to when the universe was less than 1 billion years old. Now, scientists report the discovery of a supermassive black hole 12 billion times the mass of the sun about 12.8 billion light-years from Earth that dates back to when the universe was only about 875 million years old.This black hole — technically known as SDSS J010025.8, or J0100+2802 for short — is not only the most massive quasar ever seen in the early universe but also the most luminous. It is about 429 trillion times brighter than the sun and seven times brighter than.The light from very distant quasars can take billions of years to reach Earth. As such, astronomers can see quasars as they were when the universe was young.This black hole dates back to a little more than 6 percent of the universe's current age of 13.8 billion years.' This is quite surprising because it presents serious challenges to theories of black hole growth in the early universe,' said lead study author Xue-Bing Wu, an astrophysicist at Peking University in Beijing.Accretion discs limit the speed of modern black holes' growth.

First, as gas and dust in the disks get close to black holes, traffic jams slow down any other material that's falling into them. Second, as matter collides in these traffic jams, it heats up, emitting radiation that drives gas and dust away from the black holes.The newfound quasar SDSS J0100+2802 has the most massive black hole and the highest luminosity among all known distant quasars, as shown in this comparison chart of the black hole's mass and brightness. (Image credit: Zhaoyu Li (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory)/Background image: Yunnan Observatories)Scientists still do not have a satisfactory theory to explain how these supermassive objects formed in the early universe, Wu said.' It requires either very special ways to quickly grow the black hole or a huge seed black hole,' Wu told For instance, suggested that because the early universe was much smaller than it is today, gas was often denser, obscuring a substantial amount of the radiation given off by accretion disks and thus helping matter fall into black holes.The researchers noted that the light from this black hole could help provide clues about the dark corners of the distant cosmos.

As the quasar's light shines toward Earth, it passes through intergalactic gas that colors the light. By deducing how this intergalactic gas influenced the spectrum of light from the quasar, scientists can deduce which elements make up this gas. This knowledge, in turn, can provide insight into the star-formation processes that were at work shortly after that produced these elements.' This quasar is the most luminous one in the early universe, which, like a lighthouse, will provide us chances to use it as a unique tool to study the cosmic structure of the dark, distant universe,' Wu said.The scientists detailed their findings in the.Follow us,. Original article on.

Disc jam arrests. Died of a heart attack while playing golf at the age of 39.In 2008, Tommy James and The Shondells were voted into the Michigan Rock and Roll Legends Hall of Fame.In 2009, James and the surviving Shondells, Gray, Vale and Rosman, reunited to record music for a soundtrack of a proposed film based on James' autobiography, Me, the Mob, and the Music, released in February 2010. On January 6, 1987, original drummer Peter P.

Media captionProf Heino Falcke: 'We still have to understand how the light is generated'The image shows an intensely bright 'ring of fire', as Prof Falcke describes it, surrounding a perfectly circular dark hole. The bright halo is caused by superheated gas falling into the hole. The light is brighter than all the billions of other stars in the galaxy combined - which is why it can be seen at such distance from Earth.The edge of the dark circle at the centre is the point at which the gas enters the black hole, which is an object that has such a large gravitational pull, not even light can escape. Image copyright DR JEAN LORRE/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY Image captionAstronomers have suspected that the M87 galaxy has a supermassive black hole at its heart from false colour images such as this one. The dark centre is not a black hole but indicates that stars are densely packed and fast movingThe image matches what theoretical physicists and indeed, Hollywood directors, imagined black holes would look like, according to Dr Ziri Younsi, of University College London - who is part of the EHT collaboration.'

Although they are relatively simple objects, black holes raise some of the most complex questions about the nature of space and time, and ultimately of our existence,' he said.' It is remarkable that the image we observe is so similar to that which we obtain from our theoretical calculations. So far, it looks like Einstein is correct once again.' But having the first image will enable researchers to learn more about these mysterious objects. They will be keen to look out for ways in which the black hole departs from what's expected in physics. No-one really knows how the bright ring around the hole is created. Even more intriguing is the question of what happens when an object falls into a black hole.

Prof Falcke had the idea for the project when he was a PhD student in 1993. At the time, no-one thought it was possible. But he was the first to realise that a certain type of radio emission would be generated close to and all around the black hole, which would be powerful enough to be detected by telescopes on Earth.He also recalled reading a scientific paper from 1973 that suggested that because of their enormous gravity, black holes appear 2.5 times larger than they actually are.These two factors suddenly made the seemingly impossible, possible. After arguing his case for 20 years, Prof Falcke persuaded the to fund the project. The National Science Foundation and agencies in East Asia then joined in to bankroll the project to the tune of more than £40m. Image captionThe eventual EHT array will have 12 widely spaced participating radio facilitiesIt is an investment that has been vindicated with the publication of the image. Prof Falcke told me that he felt that 'it's mission accomplished'.He said: 'It has been a long journey, but this is what I wanted to see with my own eyes.

I wanted to know is this real?' No single telescope is powerful enough to image the black hole. So, in the biggest experiment of its kind, Prof Sheperd Doeleman of the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics led a project to set up a network of eight linked telescopes. Together, they form the Event Horizon Telescope and can be thought of as a planet-sized array of dishes. Image copyright Jason GallicchioEach is located high up at a variety of exotic sites, including on volcanoes in Hawaii and Mexico, mountains in Arizona and the Spanish Sierra Nevada, in the Atacama Desert of Chile, and in Antarctica.A team of 200 scientists pointed the networked telescopes towards M87 and scanned its heart over a period of 10 days.The information they gathered was too much to be sent across the internet.

Instead, the data was stored on hundreds of hard drives that were flown to central processing centres in Boston, US, and Bonn, Germany, to assemble the information. Katie Bouman a PhD student at MIT developed an algorithm that pieced together the data from the EHT.

Black Hole Found

Without her contribution the project would not have been possible. Prof Doeleman described the achievement as 'an extraordinary scientific feat'.' We have achieved something presumed to be impossible just a generation ago,' he said.' Breakthroughs in technology, connections between the world's best radio observatories, and innovative algorithms all came together to open an entirely new window on black holes.' The team is also imaging the supermassive black hole at the centre of our own galaxy, the Milky Way.Odd though it may sound, that is harder than getting an image from a distant galaxy 55 million light-years away.

This is because, for some unknown reason, the 'ring of fire' around the black hole at the heart of the Milky Way is smaller and dimmer.Follow Pallabcan be seen the UK at 21:00 on BBC Four on Wednesday 10 April.